Take a look at our stories for inspiration when wearing your silk

#classiccollection #silkforbusiness #silkstyle #sustainability Silk Stories

Silky Style: Your New-Spring Fashion Guide

By Nancy Liu

As winter fades and spring peeks around the corner, it's time to refresh our closets with lighter fabrics. Silk, with its temperature regulating properties, is...

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5 Ways to Host a Sustainable Christmas Party – Inspiration from Silkinc

By Nancy Liu

At Silkinc, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it's woven into the very fabric of our brand. From our commitment to natural materials to our...

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#silksales #sustainability Silk for gifting

Staying Sustainable during (Black Friday) Sales Season

By Lakshmii Senathirajah

Black Friday has a bad reputation for sustainability. But it isn't as simple as that as financial health is part of living a balanced life. Silkinc have...

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#sustainability Silk for gifting Silk Stories

Silk, the perfect gift to yourself and those you love

By LiuNancy

This holiday season, let Silkinc be your guiding star as you navigate the path of gift-giving. We've carefully curated an array of memorable, balanced and...

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